PharmaCare Formulary Search Results

Click on the DIN/PIN/NPN to show details for the product.

The amount PharmaCare actually pays depends on PharmaCare coverage rules and PharmaCare plan rules.

Products found: 0
Brand Name,
Strength &
Dosage Form
ManufacturerRDPMax. Day
per fill
No records found.

For RDP products, reimbursement is based on the daily cost for the reference drug. For more information, see our Reference Drug Program.

Note: All drugs that PharmaCare covers will be shown. Some drugs that PharmaCare has reviewed but that are not covered may be included. "NB" in the "Maximum PharmaCare Covers" column indicates the drug is not covered.

For brand name drugs under review and drug reviews completed on or before January 1, 2005, please see Drug Review Results.

This search helps the public and health care professionals to determine which products the PharmaCare program covers. None of the information provided is intended to replace the advice of a health care provider. Please note that special knowledge may be needed to understand some of the information provided.

PharmaCare Formulary Product Detail

Generic Name:

Brand Name:
Dosage Form:

AHFS High Level Classification:
AHFS Therapeutic Classification:
ATC Classification:
Formulary Listing Date:

This product is covered under these PharmaCare Plans only.

PlanPharmaCare PlanMaximum PharmaCare CoversUnitRDPMax Day Supply per Fill
No records found.

This search helps the public and health care professionals to determine which products the PharmaCare program covers. None of the information provided is intended to replace the advice of a health care provider. Please note that special knowledge may be needed to understand some of the information provided.

Note: The amount PharmaCare actually pays depends on PharmaCare coverage rules and PharmaCare plan rules.

Note: All drugs that PharmaCare covers will be shown. Some drugs that PharmaCare has reviewed but that are not covered may be included. "NB" in the "Maximum PharmaCare Covers" column indicates the drug is not covered.

For brand name drugs under review and drug reviews completed on or before January 1, 2005, please see Drug Review Results.

For RDP products, reimbursement is based on the daily cost for the reference drug. For more information, see our Reference Drug Program.

PharmaCare Formulary Quantity Limits Detail

Generic Name:

Brand Name:
Dosage Form:

Max Daily QtyMax PRD QtyMax PRD Qty DaysMax Annual QtyBGTS Cat LabelBGTS Cat Max Annual Qty
No records found.

Coverage information was last updated on August 27, 2024